
June 2015 | 40-50 Target Marked 3D Shoot Results

Here is a list of the results for the 40-50 Target Marked 3D Shoot on June 27 & 28, 2015. Thank you to all who participated and volunteered your time to make this shoot a success!

Class: Adult Male Bowhunter

1st Pete Zupfer 501

2nd Todd Stoppel 500

3rd John Ruppert 480

Dean Morin 459

Jamie Placsencia 455

Joel Proell 449

Rob Viacne 448

Randy Vanmoer 437

Travis Brandt 432

Ty Brouwer 432

Robert Stoppel 431

Randy Kor 360

Barry Weidauer 341

Monty Leysen 252

Bryan Ramirez?No Score

Ildifonso Ramirez No Score

Jesus Barreru?No Score

Asa Nelson?No Score

Travis Erickson?No Score

Mike Sauow?No Score

Sean Blomme?No Score

Cole Beech?No Score

Nate Byrne?No Score

Kyle Stible?No Score

Josh Rubbert?No Score

Corey Lundy?No Score

Class: Adult Male Freesytle

1st Todd Nelson 497

Bruce Haken 414

Matt Kerkaert 142

David Halfman No Score

Class: Traditional/Barebow

Jamie Raymond 338

Class: Female

1st Melissa Erickson 389

2nd Lisa Solis 300

Johanna Leysen 250

Robbyn Kerkaert 234

Morgan Anderson?No Score

Class: Cubs

Jacob Stucke 305

Savanna Sanow?No Score

Class: Youth

Hanna Proell 325

Bryan Ramirez?No Score

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